

The name of this organization shall be the MIDWEST ASSOCIATION OF STUDENT EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATORS, which may hereinafter be referred to as MASEA.


  1. To improve the professional services provided by professionals who assist post-secondary students in securing employment.
  2. To inform members of trends in employment.
  3. To develop and encourage communication among student employment professionals and this Association.
  4. To effectively serve the interests and needs of students who seek employment.
  5. To facilitate communication between educational institutions and employers of students.
  6. To present an annual conference, or other professional services, which will serve as a forum to discuss current issues and problems and the future of student employment programs.
  7. To serve as a resource for individuals and groups interested in regional and state student employment practices and issues.
  8. This organization shall be governed by the most recent Robert's Rules of Order.


  1. Individual membership shall be held by persons representing institutions of post-secondary education provided:
    1. The institution is located in one of the following states: West Virginia, Michigan, North Dakota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Kentucky, Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, Illinois, Iowa, and Kansas.
    2. The institution is accredited by a regional accrediting association and is eligible for Title IV Aid. Verification may be found in the Education Directory, Part 3, of The Office of Education, U.S. Department of Education.
  2. Institutional membership shall be held by more than one person meeting individual membership criteria at an individual institution. The Association establishes the number of individuals at an institution which are included under the Institutional membership.
  3. Associate membership shall be one of the following:
    1. Persons representing educational institutions outside the fourteen midwest states.
    2. Persons representing public or private agencies or organizations engaged in the support and/or administration of student employment.
    3. Corporate entities which support student employment activities.
  4. Honorary/Emeritus membership may be offered to any individual who is recommended by the Executive Board or approved by the membership.


  1. Officers are:
    1. President
    2. President Elect
    3. Immediate Past President
    4. Vice President for Membership
    5. Vice President for Professional Development
    6. Secretary
    7. Treasurer


  1. The standing committees of the Association may include the:
    1. Federal Issues
    2. Grants and Development
    3. Sponsorship
    4. Nominations
    5. Constitution
    6. Awards
    7. Strategic Planning
    8. State Representatives
    9. Volunteer Recruitment
    10. Multi-Cultural Committee
    11. Site
    12. Program
    13. Publications and Communications
    14. Student Employee of the Year
    15. History
  2. AD HOC committees may be established by the President and/or Executive Council as deemed necessary.
  3. Duties of Committees:
    1. Committee Chairs shall prepare committee meeting agendas and provide a year-end report to the Executive Board when requested.
    2. Chairs are responsible for reporting issues and activities of the committees to the appropriate Board member who oversees that committee.


  1. Terms of office shall be from July 1 to June 30, unless otherwise agreed upon the by Executive Board.
  2. One year terms:
    1. President Elect
    2. President
    3. Immediate Past President
  3. Two year terms elected on even years:
    1. Vice President for Membership
    2. Treasurer
  4. Two year terms elected on odd years:
    1. Vice President for Professional Development
    2. Secretary
  5. In the case of filling an unexpired term, it will be for the remainder of the original term.
  6. Only individual members may hold office.
  7. Officers may be removed from office for just cause by a majority vote of the Executive Board.


  1. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association. The President shall:
    1. Preside at all meetings of the Association.
    2. Serve as Chairperson of the Executive Board.
    3. Serve as a member of the Strategic Planning Committee.
    4. Approve all chairpersons of the committees.
    5. Serve as ex-officio on all committees.
    6. Authorize expenditures up to $500 without approval of the Board and have the authority, in addition to the Treasurer, to pay bills of the Association.
    7. Submit an Annual Report to the Association.
    8. Recommend the Executive Board, for approval, an annual budget submitted by the Treasurer.
    9. Should serve as Association representative to NSEA, or appoint a representative to serve as the alternate.
    10. Assign duties to Board members to carry out the business of the Association.
  2. President Elect shall:
    1. Perform duties of the President in the absence of, or at the request of the President.
    2. Assist the President in all ways and prepare for his/her term of office.
    3. Serve as a member of the Strategic Planning Committee.
    4. Be responsible for the following committees:
      1. Grants and Development
      2. Sponsorship
      3. Federal Issues
  3. Vice President of Membership shall:
    1. Be responsible for the annual membership drive and development of the membership directory.
    2. Recruit and advise State Representatives.
    3. Recruit and advise MASEA Volunteers.
    4. Be responsible for the following committees:
      1. Multicultural Committee
      2. Volunteer Recruitment
  4. Vice President for Professional Development shall:
    1. Serve as chairperson of MASEA Conferences, including responsibilities for the coordination of the Program and Site Committees.
    2. Be responsible for the following committees:
      1. Site Committee
      2. Program Committee
  5. The Secretary shall:
    1. Be the record keeper of the Association and the custodian of its records.
    2. Be responsible for the following committees:
      1. Student Employee of the Year
      2. Publications and Communications
  6. The Treasurer shall:
    1. Be the financial officer of the Association.
    2. Shall serve on the following committees:
      1. Strategic Planning
      2. Conference Planning
    3. Be responsible for membership records and work with the person in charge of the membership database.
    4. Arrange for a bi-annual audit.
    5. Prepare an annual budget for Presidential recommendation to the Executive Board.
  7. The Immediate Past President shall:
    1. Perform duties as assigned by the President or designated by the Executive Board.
    2. Act as an advisor to the President and Executive Board.
    3. Be responsible for the following committees:
      1. Awards
      2. Constitution
      3. Nominations
    4. Act as Parliamentarian
    5. Serve as a member of the Strategic Planning Committee.


  1. A majority vote of the Executive Board may override specifics stated below in an effort to maintain sustainability of the Association.
  2. In the event of the absence, resignation, or inability of the President to serve, the Immediate Past President shall have all powers, and shall perform all duties of the President.
  3. In the event of the President Elect's resignation or inability to serve his/her term, the membership will elect a new President Elect.
  4. In the event of the Vice President for Membership's and/or the Vice President for Professional Development's resignation or inability to serve, the Executive Board shall elect a member of MASEA to serve the unexpired term of the Vice President.
  5. In the event of the resignation or inability to serve of the Secretary or the Treasurer, the Executive Board shall elect a member of MASEA to serve the unexpired term.
  6. In the event that the Immediate Past President is unable to serve, the position shall be filled by a Past President, beginning in descending order provided such Past President is an individual member.
  7. Any member of the Executive Board with the exception of the Immediate Past President, may be elected to succeeding terms.
  8. The Executive Board shall meet on call of the President or on the petition of any three members of the Board. A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of any of its meetings.
  9. Any member of the Association may attend the Executive Board meetings, at his/her own expense, but shall not have a vote in such meetings. Others may attend Executive Board meetings at the invitation of any member of the Executive Board.


  1. Annual dues shall be:
    1. Recommended by the Executive Board
    2. Determined by vote of the membership
    3. Waived for Honorary/Emeritus members
    4. Shall cover membership for one year from the date of joining or renewal
  2. Annual dues shall be paid to the MASEA Treasurer.


  1. There shall be at least one annual meeting for the entire membership, unless otherwise determined by the membership.
  2. The President shall, with the consent of the Executive Board, call additional meetings as may be deemed necessary.
  3. A majority of the eligible membership at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.
  4. Executive Board members are required to attend Board meetings unless excused by the President.


  1. Authorization to enter into contract: Unless so authorized, no officer or member shall have any power or authority to bind the Association by any other contract or engagement or to pledge its credit to render it monetary liable for any purpose or in any amount. The Executive Board, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, may by resolution, authorize any officer or member of the Association to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association, and such authority may be general, or confined to specific instances.
  2. Authorization to make payment: Except as otherwise specifically determined by resolution of to the Executive Board, or as otherwise required by law, checks, drafts, promissory notes, orders for the payment of money, and other evidence of indebtedness of the Association shall be signed the Treasurer in accordance with the job description.


  1. The Association is not organized for profit and no part of its receipts or any net earnings shall ensue to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, officers, or other private persons, except that the Association shall be authorized and empowered to make payment and disbursement in furtherance of its exclusively charitable and educational purposes as set forth in this Article.
  2. Upon dissolution, the Association shall, after paying or making provisions for payment of all liabilities of the Association, dispose of all its net assets, if any, exclusively to such charitable or other organization, under Section 501(c)(3) and being described in Section 1970 (c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Service Code of 1954 (or any corresponding successor or provisions), in such manner as the Association shall determine.


  1. Each individual member, including each individual member under an institutional membership, shall be eligible to cast one vote on all matters pertaining to MASEA.
  2. Honorary/Emeritus members shall have one vote.
  3. Associate members are non-voting members.
  4. All ballots shall be destroyed by the nomination committee upon approval of the membership.


  1. Any Individual member of MASEA may propose an amendment to the Constitution by submitting such proposed amendment the Constitution Committee for review and, if necessary, refinement into parliamentary language.
  2. This Constitution may be amended by the approval of two-thirds of the membership responding to the call for vote.


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